Backyard Brands

Dazzle Rapid action filter cleanse 800ml i23.1

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Rapid Action Filter Cleanse est un nettoyant rapide pour les médias de filtration qui agit en moins d'une heure. Les nettoyants traditionnels demandent normalement 12 à 24heures de trempage pour faire effet. La formulation unique alloue le nettoyage du filtre en une fraction du temps rendant le procédé plus facile à faire régulièrement. Formulé à base de peroxyde d'hydrogène et de puissants dégraisseurs, it peut-être utilisé tout autant avec les filtres au sable, cartouche ou terre diatomée. Un média filtrant propre est plus efficace demandant moins de lavage à contre-courant ou de rinçage. Une eau plus propre, moins de travail, une combinaison parfaite.

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Détails supplémentaires

Nettoie les média filtrant rapidement
Size: 800 ML
Product code: DAZ05005

Étapes rapides


  • Effectively cleans all types of filter media including sand, glass, cartridges, DE elements
  • Disinfects the media with accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide (H 2 O 2 )
  • Powerful, biodegradable surfactants emulsify, release and removes oils, greases, grime and other contaminants that aren't effectively removed with normal backwashing or rinsing
  • Dissolves rust, scale deposits and other causes of media 'hardening' that reduces filter efficiency
  • Whitens cartridges to like new appearance
  • Completely safe to backwash onto the lawn or garden or dispose to the drain or storm sewer
  • Works fast, works effectively to restore filtration to consistent, high performance level


  • Recommended a minimum of once per year, usually at pool closing so the filter media sits for the winter in a clean state
  • A mid-summer cleaning is also recommended, especially for pools that;
    • Have higher than average bather loads
    • Experience high pollen and/or other heavy organic loading
  • After any problem that has put strain on the filtration system, including;
    • Eau trouble
    • Algae/Biofilm
    • Chlorine Demand
    • Discolored water from metals and/or staining
    • Scale formations


  • Sand filters: use the entire bottle (800 mls) with each cleaning for average sized filter
  • Cartridge & DE: use the entire bottle (800 mls). Mix in a solution of hot water and soak for 1 hour, if possible, for best results.


  • Always wear rubber gloves when handling filter media
  • For Sand/Glass Media Filters:
    • Pour the product into the pump and secure the lid
    • With the dial valve on 'Rinse' or 'Backwash,' turn the pump on until the product is pumped into the filter tank (3 – 5 seconds)
    • Allow to soak for a minimum of 15 minutes. 1 hour is ideal.
    • Backwash thoroughly.
  • For Cartridge & DE filters:
    • Remove cartridge(s) and DE elements from filter housing.
    • Éliminez soigneusement autant de débris que possible avec un tuyau d'arrosage.
    • Mix Dazzle Rapid Action Filter Cleanse and warm water (if possible) in a plastic bucket, laundry tub or filter cleaning container.
    • Submerge and soak for 15 minutes to 1 hour.
    • Rinse well with water.
    • Allow cartridge/elements to dry – this will tighten the fibers and improve performance.
    • Reassemble and return to use.